
10 Ways To Make Funny Videos for Marketing That Won’t Make Your Brand a Joke

10 Ways To Make Funny Videos for Marketing That Won’t Make Your Brand a Joke

10 Ways To Make Funny Videos for Marketing That Won’t Make Your Brand a Joke



For many businesses, the goal of marketing is to get your brand noticed. But what happens when you make a video and no one watches it? If your brand is funny or fun—and not in an ironic way—then people will be more likely to watch your content. So how do you turn your comedic skills into something that can actually help sell products or services? Here are 10 ways that anyone can use their sense of humor for marketing:


Make sure your brand is fun.

You need to know what makes you funny and what doesn’t, or at least what doesn’t work for you.

Don’t try to be funny if you’re not! It will come across as forced and disingenuous—and that’s not good for anyone involved in the production process. Don’t force yourself into pushing something out there just because everyone else is doing it; make sure that whatever content comes out of the door reflects who you are as an individual and not just another faceless corporation trying desperately hard not to offend anyone by saying something to get laughs. Instead, your brand should actually be interesting enough so that people want more information rather than getting annoyed by a bad joke.


Your humor should be on brand.

The first step in creating a funny video is to make sure that your brand identity is consistent across all platforms. This means that you should use the same tone and style, the same type of humor and language, and same visual elements—everything from the font on your site to the way people are dressed in your commercials.

This consistency will help people remember what it is that you stand for as a brand. It also makes sure that when someone sees your videos or photos online (whether they’re posted by you or shared by another person), they know exactly what kind of product or service they’re looking at because everything has been clearly communicated through visuals alone.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my time working in marketing communications: brands need personality! They need something unique and memorable about themselves so they can stand out from other companies’ offerings while still being easy enough to remember so those who see them won’t forget them easily (which would be bad).


Know your target audience.

The first step to making funny videos for marketing is knowing your audience. Who are you targeting? What do they like and dislike? How can you reach them? What inspires them, motivates them, or makes their day better?

If you’ve spent any time thinking about this beforehand, then it should be obvious that the most important thing when planning out a video’s content will be its relevance to your target audience—and not just any audience but one that has similar interests and preferences as yours (or at least something close enough).


Be genuine and authentic.

There is nothing more important than being real and authentic. When you show up as yourself, people will naturally connect with you and your message because they know who you are. In fact, research shows that authenticity has a bigger impact on all aspects of brand perception than anything else!

So how do you create this connection?


Follow a story arc.

A story arc is a journey that you’re taking your audience on. It’s like being brought through an experience, where they see it unfold and learn something new along the way. If a story isn’t clear, then it won’t be engaging or memorable enough to keep them watching until the end (and if they don’t care about what happens next, why would they watch?).

The best way to create this type of narrative is by following three main steps:

  • Set up your characters and their motivation for going on this trip (or other similar journeys). Then give them interesting goals that challenge them emotionally, physically, and mentally along their journey—and make sure these goals are linked together so there’s no confusion as to how each goal fits into another goal from earlier in the video!
  • Let everyone know what’s going on at home/in town/on planet earth while also letting viewers know about events happening here in real time—this will help build suspense during scenes when things aren’t going well but still keep viewers interested enough so they don’t lose interest immediately upon seeing an action scene coming up soon after some dialogue rolls out onto screen again

Don’t be afraid to mess around with your ideas.

Don’t be afraid to mess around with your ideas.

The more you experiment, the better your videos will be as a result of it. It’s important that you don’t just stick with what works and never change it up—you want to keep things interesting for both viewers and yourself!


Try different voices and styles.

Similar to how you wouldn’t want to be one-dimensional, you don’t want your brand to have one voice, either. Audiences will get exhausted listening to the same thing again and again–especially if they can’t relate or connect to it in any way. With this being said, don’t be afraid to experiment!

Making mistakes is part of the process. When things don’t work out as planned, take it as a way to learn about what does and doesn’t work for your audience. There are no rules in creativity, so have fun with it and try incorporating similar ideas to what worked in the past.


Don’t overthink it. Just have fun!

If you’re concerned your video may not be funny, or whether or not you’ll get laughs, then just don’t stress it! Get started by doing what makes sense to you and put out as much content as you can in order to learn from mistakes and get your message out there.


If you know what makes you funny, you can get more people to pay attention to your brand and listen to what you have to say!

If you know what makes you funny, and if you’re able to communicate that with your audience, they will pay attention. You can use humor in your videos and other marketing materials as a way of engaging with people who already know and love what you do.

Your brand is only as strong as the people who represent it, so if they don’t like how they’re being portrayed or treated by their employer or client (or even just someone else), then there’s no reason for them to stick around long enough for anything else – especially if the company isn’t delivering results!



I’m a marketer, and I know what you’re thinking: “That’s not possible!” But it is. Marketing can be fun! And if you want to make people laugh, it doesn’t mean you have to be a comedian (though we do love comedians). You just need to understand why people find humor so interesting–and what makes your brand unique enough that people will want more of it

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