
How to Convince Your Sales Team to Adopt Video Messaging

How to Convince Your Sales Team to Adopt Video Messaging

How to Convince Your Sales Team to Adopt Video Messaging


Video messaging is one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or marketer, video messaging is easy to set up and maintain, and can be used in almost any industry. You don’t have to be a professional video producer either; all you need is a smartphone and a little creativity. But if you’re thinking about adopting video messaging for your own business, I’ll bet one thing’s holding you back: convincing your sales team to use it. After all, salespeople are busy and don’t want to waste their time doing anything that doesn’t seem to benefit them or their clients—and what could be less relevant than creating videos? Here are some tips on how to convince your team that video messaging is worth investing time into:


Video messaging is a great way to engage with your audience.

Video messaging is easy to use and maintain, and it’s an affordable way to market yourself and build relationships with customers. You can use it in almost any industry, whether you’re selling online or face-to-face.

It may seem like there are already plenty of ways for people who want our product or service to find us. Why would they want another way? Well–because video messaging makes reaching out easy! And as long as there’s still room on social media platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, there will always be room for more ways for businesses like ours to reach out too–especially when those methods are this effective at building trust between brands/individuals who are new to each other.


It’s easy to use and maintain.

Video messaging is a great way to interact with your audience and can be used in almost any industry. People enjoy watching videos, so if you apply it as a tool in your workplace, customers may be even more drawn to you.


It’s an affordable way to market yourself and build relationships with customers.

Communicating your message can be expensive and ineffective–with video, it’s the opposite. Not only is video an option in any industry, but it’s become a tool that’s indispensable for marketers, business owners, and salespeople. Video is a fantastic way to market yourself while additionally creating and maintaining customer relationships. Video is also ideal for advertising, marketing, and personal communication among clients.


You can use it in almost any industry, whether you’re selling online or face-to-face.

Here are some examples of industries that use video messaging:

  • Medical device manufacturers who want to reach out to doctors and hospitals with product information.
  • Insurance companies like Voom that want to educate clients on how they can insure their motorcycles (and then follow up with them afterward).
  • Real estate agents who need help convincing prospective home buyers that they should choose their agency over another one nearby

People love videos! When you create videos, they’ll love you even more.

People love watching videos. It’s a fact of life. And when you create videos, people are going to love you even more.

Videos can be shared easily through social media and email, making them easy for customers who want to show their friends what they bought or where they went on vacation. They’re also easy for customers who want to find out more about what you offer before making a purchase (or not). Video content is shareable because it’s easier than written text at communicating ideas quickly and efficiently in a visual way–which means more traffic on your website!


Video messaging is easy, affordable, and effective for marketers

Video messaging is simple, inexpensive, and effective for marketers. It’s a great way to engage with your audience, whether they’re online or in person. Video messaging can be used by anyone who wants to build relationships with customers or clients through video content.

Video messages are also simple to use and maintain; they do not require a large budget to create! Furthermore, they are a low-cost marketing tool that can be used in almost any industry, whether you are selling online or in person.



Video messaging is a great way to engage with your audience. It’s easy to use and maintain, it’s an affordable way to market yourself and build relationships with customers, and people love videos! When you create videos, they’ll love you even more.


Shuffll is a virtual studio for video production that uses AI to generate copy, art, and storylines.
 It helps you reduce the workload and takes you from zero-to-video in minutes.

Making it the ultimate co-pilot for marketers who want to scale their video creation efforts.

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    Adi Stein @ Microsoft

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    Adi Stein @ Microsoft

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